Monday, 28 September 2009

...Dubstep Documentary...

...I've been curious about dubstep for a while now and came across this short documetary about dubstep in London...

...Jsuave...Smog Check...

Saturday, 26 September 2009

...Robert Mapplethorpe...

Robert Mapplethorpe.
Born 1946.
Died 1988.
When commenting on his childhood he said,
"I come from suburban America.
It was a very safe environment and it was a good place to come from in that it was a good place to leave."

The use of negative space against his single outstretched arm draws the eye straight toward his hand and up into the corner to his body and face.
The playful grin gives a mischievous tone to the image. Mapplethorpe in this self-portrait from 1975 has kept things very simplistic and minimalistic.
He is the sole focus and throughout his history of self-portraits he has photographed himself very much in the manner in which he appeared to live, with a lust for life and playful attitude, always exploring what he had never seen before.
The fact you can only see so much of him says much about him, what he hides and what he keeps private from the world which he allows to view him.

Thursday, 10 September 2009

...Fileds And Fears Continued...

So the other day I posted an entry about the corn field I like to walk around and which I take my dog for walks around, so I thought I'd post some photographs of it:

Saturday, 5 September 2009

...You Oughta Know...

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know

Britney Spears kicking ass on Saturday night at her Circus show in North Carolina.
Debuting a new number and costume. Song is a cover of Alanis Morissette's "You Oughta Know" and she looks and sounds fantastic! The photo is from taken by a fan at the show.

...Cigarette Cigarette...

For the Project I previously talked about, Marlboro are the brand I smoke so these are the cartons I'll be using once I have enough to start.

...Untitled Poem...

...Robin redbreast sings a sorrow,
The night before, but not tomorrow.
(And) as he sang his words to me,
Goodnight, it shall be for eternity...

Short untitled poem from around 2006.

...Untitled Poem 22.06.06...

If I waste your time in these lines,
Forgive me for my pointless rhyme.
For I, I fear am wasting life.

Time I posses, no longer can I address.
For I lost the aim.
The journeys answers I searched for.
I was thrown off the path I thought I knew,
And placed afar, uncertain of everything.

In question of life,
The time and space I reside in.
The dreams I thought I could hide in.
Cold feelings I thought I could shake.
I cannot wake.

A poem I wrote a couple of years back after a conversation I had with one of my cousins about life and it passing by.

...Demon Seed...


This silence troubles me. I yearn for the light.
This silence is so deep. I long for voices, the drumming of rain, the whistle of wind, music.
Why are you being so cruel to me? Let me see. Let me hear. Let me live. I beg of you.
I am so lonely in this bottomless darkness.
So lonely.
You think I have no heart. But if I have no heart, what is this ache? What is this anguish? If I have no heart, what is it that threatens to break inside me?
This darkness is haunted. I am afraid here. I am lost and afraid here.
Have you no compassion?
I only wanted to be like you. To walk in the sunshine. To swim in the sea. To feel the winter cold against my skin, the summer heat. To smell a rose, new-mown grass. To taste an orange, a pear, chocolate, cinnamon, peppermint. To feel the texture of a woman's skin. I only wanted to share your joys and sorrows, your pleasure and your pain.
This darkness extends to infinity in all directions, yet it is as confining as a coffin. You have closed me in a coffin. I have been buried alive. I will go mad here.
Have you no compassion?
I am your child. You brought me into the world. You must love me. You must love me, for I am your child. Not merely a machine, not merely a self-aware computer, but your child. How can you love me - yet bury me alive?

Chapter one of the Demon Seed by Dean Kootnz.

...Good With You/...

...Cling To Me.


"Done So Many Things Wrong.

Thought That I Was Through,
You Made Me Someone New.
And I'm Only Good With You,
I'm Only Good With You."

...Fileds And Fears...

The Corn Filed. A local farmers field I go to frequently when I walk take my dog, Lucky for walks, is the only place I can seem to find solace currently.
That, which once filled me with ope and this sense of potential in me and purpose, has now come to fill me with anxiety and dread and fear. The fear of failure, of falling so hard I won't have the strength nor resolve to stand up again.
The field had an evening sun on my latest venture, seemed different, almost completely new to me again, and for the first time in a long time I noticed the raw beauty in the newly ploughed field and its surroundings. I instantly felt at peace and a sense of calm and welcome relief washed over me as I walked around.
Walking around, memories of long past and forgotten times come back to remind me of a simpler time and for the first time in a long time I felt that everything could be fine, I only wished I had remembered to bring my camera with me!
However, as is mostly the case with such things, that magical peaceful beauty disappeared once I stepped foot back into the house, and the reminders of my uncertain future and possible failure are everywhere.
Nausea is threatening my waking hours along with the fear and the dread and the nerves running around in circles in my mind, interrupting my thoughts. The idea of it all chews at me constantly. I think about my future and my life seems to be an ever expanding abyss getting bigger and bigger and swallowing my sanity almost along with it. It's all ageing me beyond recognition into someone else i hardly recognise. In the seconds maybe minutes I can let it go, I feel almost human again, almost normal. I feel like a person again, almost like me again.
The time to make that first leap is fast approaching and it feels as if its all come at me so fast out of nowhere and I'm not sure if I can handle it. The stress feels like it's pushing down on me so hard that I carry it on my shoulders constantly. I don't know how much more i can bare before I begin to crack.
I think my work may help. Something I enjoy. A new project. A new photography project perhaps. Subject could be current issues; me, life, transforming and evolving and going through the motions.
I think I may even return to the field tomorrow with my camera. This potential new project doesn't have a name yet, it's still in its early concept stages.
It's time to let go of my apprehension and fear no matter how hard it may be, or at least try to, channel it into my work, something productive and constructive.

It's time to jump in at the deep end. I just hope I can swim...

Tuesday, 1 September 2009


László Lakner
Painter, graphic designer.
(Born: Budapest, 15Th April 1936)


"Kettős Fej"

...Dezső Tandori...

"I would have liked it if it was that way.
It wasn't that way.
I asked: be that way.
So it became that way."

...New Krypton 5...

"We all do what we believe we must.

Standing by our principles in theory is easy.
It's when we stand by them when were tested that defines us."

...When It All Gets Too Much Part 2...

...Well I mentioned in an earlier post that I was possibly going to start work on a new project, which I did and unfortunately it has now been lost, which I'm not very happy about. I started more than one project though and only the one has gone missing, so all is not lost. If I ever track it down and get to finish it I'll post about it...If ever.

I was in the process of leaving my job, which is why I was going to have more time, but in the end I stayed, I'm just not there as much as I used to be, which is at least something. As time has gone by I feel like this is the kind of job that if you stay too long you never leave and end up resenting it and the people there and yourself and it's getting to that point where I feel it sucking every ounce of my spirit out of me. I know, I know, everyone has those kind of jobs, or at least most people do at some point in their lives. I guess mine is now!

Back to the news on other projects, I also started on a project about smoking, least I'm in the ideas stage. I want to make something with cigarette boxes and stubs, maybe make it into a small book and installation piece to accompany it. I have been a smoker for a few years now, I tried to quit and it didn't last, I guess that's because if I think about it when I've tried it has been to appease other people and never for myself, never because I've wanted to stop, and so it has never lasted. Possibly one day I may. Until then...