...Well I mentioned in an earlier post that I was possibly going to start work on a new project, which I did and unfortunately it has now been lost, which I'm not very happy about. I started more than one project though and only the one has gone missing, so all is not lost. If I ever track it down and get to finish it I'll post about it...If ever.
I was in the process of leaving my job, which is why I was going to have more time, but in the end I stayed, I'm just not there as much as I used to be, which is at least something. As time has gone by I feel like this is the kind of job that if you stay too long you never leave and end up resenting it and the people there and yourself and it's getting to that point where I feel it sucking every ounce of my spirit out of me. I know, I know, everyone has those kind of jobs, or at least most people do at some point in their lives. I guess mine is now!
Back to the news on other projects, I also started on a project about smoking, least I'm in the ideas stage. I want to make something with cigarette boxes and stubs, maybe make it into a small book and installation piece to accompany it. I have been a smoker for a few years now, I tried to quit and it didn't last, I guess that's because if I think about it when I've tried it has been to appease other people and never for myself, never because I've wanted to stop, and so it has never lasted. Possibly one day I may. Until then...