Thursday, 18 June 2009

...In sta mat ic...

Bid on a Kodak Instamatic 32 camera a short while ago and here it is.
Even came in the original box, pretty sweet. Not used it yet though.

The collection is growing as is photography in general for me, everyday I think I grow more in terms of ideas and interest and such.

I go out and if I don't have a camera, I could kick myself at all the great snaps i can see and imagine taking, I have a list of places to go and ideas that gets longer everyday.

Also picked up a Kodak 177X, which again came in a case and this time an old film, which is out of date by a good few years but I think I still may be able to salvage it, so pretty excited about how that will turn out, once I use the last few shots on the film.