They gave people the hope and faith they need everyday.
They made us believe men could fly.
They gave people the one thing they needed most to escape reality.
They gave people a hero.
A story that was theres to tell,
A legend,
Eternally burned into hearts everywhere,
A memory that will live on forever
Life is such a fragile thing, it can be taken in a second,
click your fingers and everything in life can fall, crash and burn.
you can feel locked up
you can be weighted down with guilt and financial troubles.
However life can also be marvelous, its fragile but it can have its glorious moments.
I often have long conversations and deep thoughts about life and how volatile and crazy it can be and how crazy it is!
You can either live it or leave it.
This post is for Christopher and George Reeve', Victims of life and the curses that it brings,
and to Sophie, my new born baby cousin, a symbol of what treasures life also offers.
Its a balance, a fine line. Everything in life is equal, is in balance..nature which is life is all about balance
yin/yang, right/wrong, pleasure/pain.