Tuesday, 13 March 2007

...Self Expression...

How do you express yourself?
what best shows who are?
How do you get your emotions out?
Think about it.
Do it.

How it is for most people.


So, i was thinking through today and yesterday,
about everything around me
and how fragile it all is.
Life and the things in it are so delicate.
Yet most of us take all this for granted on a daily basis,
god knows i do.

I was out near the castle close to where i live
and i was sat up their with a friend of mine,
and i was just looking out over the town and i realised.
Through all of the bad times, where i live isn't the most friendly of places.
Anyways, through all the bad, there is also so much good out there.
I looked out and just thought how peaceful it was
and i saw how fragile everything is and how easily it can change
It made me feel i can fianlly call this place home.
It's been a struggle to accept where i am.
Now i think i do accept it, not so much forcefuly any more but willingly.

Things are looking up
and lately walking through the streets and the towns,
i can see more good now then i have done for the last (almost) three years.
It's a great feeling being able to look out into the world around where you are
and see the good throught the bad,
It's like cleaning your windows in a manner of speaking.
My friends and family seem well,
which is very important to me and my own life seems this past month,
to be on the right track.

Life is so fragile and if treat with the utmost care, respect and if you have confidence,
then look out optimisticaly. Its amazing what you can see once your willing to look.
pieces may need picking up and put ack where they belong, others might not.
But it is wonderful once you accept it as it is and don't try to fix whats not broken.